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匹配条件: “Pablo; Aruani” ,找到相关结果约11228条。
Cambios en las propiedades de un suelo franco bajó producción orgánica de manzano utilizando coberturas vegetales
Aruani,Martía Cristina; Sánchez,Enrique; Reeb,Pablo;
Ciencia del suelo , 2006,
Abstract: orchard floor management in the rio negro valley is based on continuous tillage which in the long term may negatively affect soil properties. therefore, the aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of different soil management treatments in an organic apple orchard (malus domestica bork.) cv. royal gala on nutrient availability, soil aggregates stability and organic carbon (co) and total nitrogen (nt) concentration in soil aggregates in a loamy soil. in march 1999, cover treatments applied to the inter-row spaces were: 1) permanent cover of fescue (festuca arundinacea) plus alfalfa (medicago sativa) (a+f); 2) permanent cover of strawberry clover (trifolium fragiferum) (tr); 3) seeding of common vetch (vicia sativa) (v); and 4) control, natural soil vegetation and disking twice in late winter (t). in november 2002, soil samples were taken at three soil depths, 0-7.5; 7.5-15, and 15-30 cm to determine soil organic matter (om), total nitrogen (nt), available phosphorus (p) and exchangeable bases (ca+2, k+ and mg+2). in the top 0-7.5 cm macro aggregate (100-2,000 μm) micro aggregate (0-100 μm) fractions and the content of om, oc and nt were determined. organic matter and nt concentration in the perennial cover crops treatments (a+f and tr) increased, and k+ were higher only in the 0-7.5 cm soil depths respect the v and t treatments. magnesium concentration increased two-fold in the top 15 cm of soil in a+f compared to t. calcium concentrations in a+f and tr were higher than t at all soil depths and for the top 15 cm, respectively. in the t treatment macro-aggregates diminished and microaggregates increased due to soil cultivation compared to the perennial cover crops.
Cambios biológicos en suelos fertilizados con nitrógeno cultivados con manzano en el Alto Valle de Río Negro
Gili,Perla; Aruani,Cristina; Reeb,Pablo; Aun,Elizabeth;
Ciencia del suelo , 2009,
Abstract: the aim of this study was to determine the effect of nitrogen application at different moments during the apple crop cycle on the population of soil microorganisms in terms of microbial biomass carbon, enzymatic activity and edaphic properties. nitrate content, total nitrogen, organic carbon, microbial biomass carbon, deshidrogenase and catalase activity were determined and the carbon mineralization index, the proportion of microbial biomass carbon in organic carbon and the metabolic coefficient (qco2) were calculated. nitrogen was applied as ammonium nitrate (nh4no3) at two rates, 100 (n1) and 200 kg n ha-1 (n2), and on two times, 50% at petal fall (october) and the rest at harvest (march), and the results compared with a control treatment without n (n0). the experiment was repeated over two growing seasons, 2005-2006 and 2006-2007. soil samples were taken before and after each fertilization. nitrogen addition had differential effects on soils chemical and biological properties depending on the season and plant phenology. in autumn and spring, soil nitrates (no3 -) increased significantly and soil biota was modified during both growing seasons. in the 2005-2006 season, spring nitrogen additions increased soil biota activity in terms of c-bm, re and dh-asa; whereas in the second growing season, 2006-2007, nitrogen addition had no effect on soil chemical and biological properties. soil biological activity was affected by orchard management practices, fertilization and pruning.
Cambios biológicos en suelos fertilizados con nitrógeno cultivados con manzano en el Alto Valle de Río Negro Biological changes in nitrogen fertilized soil of apple orchards in the Alto Valle of Rio Negro
Perla Gili,Cristina Aruani,Pablo Reeb,Elizabeth Aun
Ciencia del Suelo , 2009,
Abstract: El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el efecto de la fertilización nitrogenada, en diferentes momentos del ciclo productivo del manzano, sobre el tama o de la población microbiana del suelo, sobre el carbono de la biomasa microbiana y la actividad enzimática y su relación con algunas propiedades edáficas. Se ensayaron dos dosis de nitrógeno, aplicadas como nitrato de amonio en dos momentos: el 50% a caída de los pétalos (octubre) y el 50% restante cercano a la cosecha (marzo), correspondiendo a dosis de 100 (N1) y 200 (N2) kg ha-1 y un testigo sin agregado de N (N0), durante los períodos 2005-2006 y 2006- 2007. Se muestreó el suelo antes y después de cada fertilización. Se determinó: nitrato, nitrógeno total, carbono orgánico, carbono de la biomasa microbiana, actividad de la deshidrogenasa y catalasa. Se calcularon los índices de mineralización del carbono, proporción del carbono orgánico como carbono de la biomasa microbiana y cociente metabólico. El nitrógeno incorporado al suelo aumentó significativamente el contenido de nitratos en primavera y oto o, en ambas temporadas, y ejerció sobre la biota un comportamiento diferencial según el estado fenológico de las plantas de manzano. En la temporada 2005-2006, la actividad biológica, medida a través del carbono de la biomasa microbiana, respiración microbiana y deshidrogenasa, se incrementó significativamente con la fertilización de octubre. En la temporada 2006-2007 no se manifestó efecto de la fertilización nitrogenada. La dosis más elevada de nitrógeno (N2) no tuvo diferencias con respecto a (N1) en los resultados químicos y biológicos. Las prácticas de manejo en manzanos, fertilización y poda, generaron cambios en las variables biológicas. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of nitrogen application at different moments during the apple crop cycle on the population of soil microorganisms in terms of microbial biomass carbon, enzymatic activity and edaphic properties. Nitrate content, total nitrogen, organic carbon, microbial biomass carbon, deshidrogenase and catalase activity were determined and the carbon mineralization index, the proportion of microbial biomass carbon in organic carbon and the metabolic coefficient (qCO2) were calculated. Nitrogen was applied as ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) at two rates, 100 (N1) and 200 kg N ha-1 (N2), and on two times, 50% at petal fall (October) and the rest at harvest (March), and the results compared with a control treatment without N (N0). The experiment was repeated over two growing seasons, 2005-2006 and 2006-2007. Soil samples were taken b
Cambios en las propiedades de un suelo franco bajó producción orgánica de manzano utilizando coberturas vegetales Changes in soil properties in a loamy soil under organic production of apples using cover crops
Martía Cristina Aruani,Enrique Sánchez,Pablo Reeb
Ciencia del Suelo , 2006,
Abstract: El manejo de los suelos en el Alto Valle de Río Negro se basa en la labranza continua la cual en el largo plazo puede afectar negativamente las propiedades del suelo. Por este motivo se planteó un ensayo cuyo objetivo fue estudiar el efecto que producen distintos manejos de suelos aplicados en un huerto orgánico de manzano (Malus domestica Bork.) cv. Royal Gala sobre la disponibilidad de los nutrientes y la distribución de carbono orgánico (CO) y nitrógeno total (Nt) en los agregados de un suelo de textura franca. En marzo de 1999, en el espacio interfilar, o entre-hileras, se aplicaron los siguientes tratamientos coberturas: 1) cobertura permanente de festuca (Festuca arundinacea) y alfalfa (Medicago sativa) (A+F); 2) cobertura permanente de trébol frutilla (Trifolium fragiferum) (Tr); 3) siembra anual de vicia (Vicia sativa) (V); y 4) Testigo, vegetación espontánea y con pasada doble de rastra de disco al final del invierno (labranza convencional que realiza el productor) (T). En noviembre 2002, se extrajeron muestras de suelos en las profundidades 0-7,5; 7,5-15 y 15-30 cm. Se determinó materia orgánica (MO), nitrógeno total (Nt), fósforo disponible (P) y bases de intercambio (Ca+2, K+ y Mg+2). En la profundidad de 0-7,5 cm se obtuvieron dos fracciones: macroagregados (100- 2.000 μ) y microagregados (0-100 μ), y se determinó en cada una de ellas el contenido de MO, CO y Nt. Los tratamientos con coberturas perennes (A+F y Tr) incrementaron la disponibilidad de Nt y MO hasta los 15 cm, mientras que K+ fue más alto en la capa superficial (7,5 cm) del suelo respecto a los tratamientos V y T. La concentración de Mg+2 duplicó en los primeros 15 cm en el tratamiento A+F respecto a T. Las concentraciones de Ca+2 en A+F y Tr fueron mayores que las halladas en T para las tres profundidades analizadas y en los primeros 15 cm, respectivamente. En el tratamiento T los macroagregados disminuyeron y los microagregados se incrementaron en comparación a los tratamientos con coberturas perennes (A+F y Tr). Orchard floor management in the Rio Negro valley is based on continuous tillage which in the long term may negatively affect soil properties. Therefore, the aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of different soil management treatments in an organic apple orchard (Malus domestica Bork.) cv. Royal Gala on nutrient availability, soil aggregates stability and organic carbon (CO) and total nitrogen (Nt) concentration in soil aggregates in a loamy soil. In March 1999, cover treatments applied to the inter-row spaces were: 1) permanent cover of fescue (Festuca arun
Efecto de Capas Endurecidas de Suelos Sobre el Potencial Productivo de Vi?edos, Alto Valle de Río Negro, Patagonia, Argentina
Apcarian,Alicia; Echenique,María del C; Aruani,María C; Reeb,Pablo;
Agricultura Técnica , 2006, DOI: 10.4067/S0365-28072006000100008
Abstract: on aridisol in the alto valley of rio negro, argentina, the effect of hardened soil horizons on productive potential of vitis vinifera l., cv. merlot, malbec and cabernet sauvignon was studied. the study was performed during the 2002-2003 season in 15.5 ha of vineyards. sixty-one sampling sites were established. yield components (weight/grape, cluster number/vine, cluster weight, vine yield and yield/ha), and quality factors (soluble solids, total titratable acidity, ph and berry skin/pulp relation and % soluble solid/berry weight) were determined on the vine. the soils were evaluated by measuring: type, thickness, and depth of the horizons, textural classes, and resistance to penetration, depths of mottles, the gravel and phreatic layers. the edaphic variables were analyzed using the principal components of soil, and 67% of the variability was explained by the three main components. this allowed the definition of five soil groups, and establishing mean soil values and vine variables for each group, via an anova analysis and comparison of means. the production was significantly reduced (p < 0.05) with a tendency to have differentiated quality when soils have a depth of 35 cm or less, btn or ckx horizons, are extremely hard, with a thickness of 32 cm or more and resistance to penetration greater than 3mpa. these characteristics were observed in most of the durinodic natrargids and aquic durinodic haplocalcid, with merlot yields of 5,645 and 5,775 kg ha-1, respectively. higher yields were obtained on aquic natrargids (12,524.6 kg ha-1), durinodic and typic haplocambids (12,891.7 kg ha-1). similar behavior was observed in other cultivars.
Growth-Yield Relationship of Grapevine Cultivars on Soils with Hardened Layers, Alto Valle of the Rio Negro, Southern Wine-Growing Region of Argentina
Echenique,María del C; Apcarian,Alicia; Reeb,Pablo; Aruani,María C;
Agricultura Técnica , 2007, DOI: 10.4067/S0365-28072007000300005
Abstract: the aim of this work was to evaluate the vegetative-productive balance of vitis vinifera l., cvs. merlot, malbec and cabernet sauvignon on aridisols with hardened layers in the alto valle of rio negro, argentina. the study was carried out in 15.5 ha of vineyards during 2002-2003 on five soil groups characterized by: type, thickness and depth of the horizons, texture and resistance to penetration. in each sampling site three plants were evaluated. production, leaf area, pruning material, trunk diameter, the ravaz index, the leaf area/yield ratio and the leaf area index were determined. a variance analysis and means comparison were made. the production level, the leaf area and the pruning material of the three cultivars were reduced (p < 0.05) when the soils presented extremely hard horizons (resistance to penetration greater than 3 mpa) at a depth of 35 cm or less and with 30 cm or more of thickness, indicating a low site potential. the ravaz index and the leaf area/yield ratio didn't show differences (p < 0.05) among soil groups in any cultivar. in soils with restricted properties, but with an adequate growth-yield balance, smaller vine spacing and avoiding gaps between vines can be used to increase production.
Growth-Yield Relationship of Grapevine Cultivars on Soils with Hardened Layers, Alto Valle of the Rio Negro, Southern Wine-Growing Region of Argentina Equilibrio Vegetativo-Productivo en Cultivares de Vid sobre Suelos con Capas Endurecidas, Alto Valle de Río Negro, Región Vitivinícola Sur de Argentina
María del C Echenique,Alicia Apcarian,Pablo Reeb,María C Aruani
Agricultura Técnica , 2007,
Abstract: The aim of this work was to evaluate the vegetative-productive balance of Vitis vinifera L., cvs. Merlot, Malbec and Cabernet Sauvignon on Aridisols with hardened layers in the Alto Valle of Rio Negro, Argentina. The study was carried out in 15.5 ha of vineyards during 2002-2003 on five soil groups characterized by: type, thickness and depth of the horizons, texture and resistance to penetration. In each sampling site three plants were evaluated. Production, leaf area, pruning material, trunk diameter, the Ravaz Index, the leaf area/yield ratio and the leaf area index were determined. A variance analysis and means comparison were made. The production level, the leaf area and the pruning material of the three cultivars were reduced (P < 0.05) when the soils presented extremely hard horizons (resistance to penetration greater than 3 MPa) at a depth of 35 cm or less and with 30 cm or more of thickness, indicating a low site potential. The Ravaz Index and the leaf area/yield ratio didn't show differences (P < 0.05) among soil groups in any cultivar. In soils with restricted properties, but with an adequate growth-yield balance, smaller vine spacing and avoiding gaps between vines can be used to increase production. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el equilibrio vegetativo-productivo de Vitis vinifera L. cvs. Merlot, Malbec y Cabernet Sauvignon sobre Aridisoles con capas endurecidas del Alto Valle de Río Negro, Argentina. El estudio se realizó en 15,5 ha de vi edos durante la temporada 2002-2003 sobre cinco grupos de suelos, caracterizados por: tipo, espesor y profundidad de los horizontes, textura y resistencia a la penetración. En cada sitio de muestreo, se evaluaron tres plantas para cada uno de ellos, determinando: producción, área foliar, peso del material de poda por planta, diámetro de tronco, índice de Ravaz, relación área foliar/peso de la producción e índice de área foliar. Se efectuó un análisis de varianza y una comparación de medias de las variables del cultivo según cada grupo de suelos. El nivel de producción, el área foliar y el peso de material de poda por planta de los tres cultivares resultaron disminuidos cuando los suelos presentaron horizontes extremadamente duros (resistencia a la penetración superior a 3 MPa) a menos de 35 cm de profundidad y con espesores mayores a 30 cm, indicando un bajo potencial vitícola de estos suelos. El índice de Ravaz y la relación área foliar/peso de la producción no mostraron diferencias (P < 0,05), manteniéndose relaciones de equilibrio vegetativo-productivo similares entre los grupos de suelos, au
Efecto de Capas Endurecidas de Suelos Sobre el Potencial Productivo de Vi edos, Alto Valle de Río Negro, Patagonia, Argentina Effect of Soil Hardened Layers on Productive Potential of Vineyards, Alto Valle of Rio Negro, Patagonia, Argentina
Alicia Apcarian,María del C Echenique,María C Aruani,Pablo Reeb
Agricultura Técnica , 2006,
Abstract: En Aridisoles del Alto Valle de Río Negro, Argentina, se estudió el efecto de horizontes endurecidos sobre el potencial productivo de Vitis vinifera L., cultivares Merlot, Malbec y Cabernet Sauvignon. El trabajo se realizó durante la temporada 2002-2003 en 15,5 ha de vi edos. Se establecieron 61 sitios de muestreo. En vid se determinaron: peso/baya, no racimos/planta, peso/racimo, producción/planta, sólidos solubles, acidez titulable, pH del mosto y las relaciones hollejo/pulpa y oBrix/peso baya. Se describieron los suelos midiéndose: tipo, espesor y profundidad de los horizontes, textura, resistencia a la penetración, profundidades de los moteados, a la grava y a la capa freática. Las variables edáficas fueron analizadas mediante componentes principales, explicando las 3 primeras el 67 % de la variabilidad. Esto permitió definir cinco grupos de suelos, establecer los valores medios de variables del suelo y cultivo para cada grupo, efectuándose un ANDEVA y una comparación de medias. La producción disminuyó significativamente (P<0,05), manifestando una tendencia a tener una calidad diferenciada, cuando los suelos poseen a una profundidad de 35 cm o menos, horizontes Btn y/o Ckx, extremadamente duros, con espesores mayores a 32 cm y resistencia a la penetración mayor a 3 MPa. Estas características fueron observadas en la mayoría de Natrargides durinódicos y en Haplocalcides ácuicos durinódicos, obteniéndose para el cv. Merlot rendimientos de 5.645 y 5.775 kg ha-1, respectivamente. Niveles de producción mayores se obtuvieron sobre Natrargides ácuicos (12.524,6 kg ha-1) y Haplocambides durinódicos y típicos (12.891,7 kg ha-1). Similar comportamiento se observó en los otros cultivares. On Aridisol in the Alto Valley of Rio Negro, Argentina, the effect of hardened soil horizons on productive potential of Vitis vinifera L., cv. Merlot, Malbec and Cabernet Sauvignon was studied. The study was performed during the 2002-2003 season in 15.5 ha of vineyards. Sixty-one sampling sites were established. Yield components (weight/grape, cluster number/vine, cluster weight, vine yield and yield/ha), and quality factors (soluble solids, total titratable acidity, pH and berry skin/pulp relation and % soluble solid/berry weight) were determined on the vine. The soils were evaluated by measuring: type, thickness, and depth of the horizons, textural classes, and resistance to penetration, depths of mottles, the gravel and phreatic layers. The edaphic variables were analyzed using the principal components of soil, and 67% of the variability was explained by the three main comp
Evaluación de las características físico-químicas y biológicas en dos suelos superficiales cultivados con pera (Pyrus communis L.) cv. Williams bajo manejo convencional
Aruani,María Cristina; Machuca,Yesica; Gili,Perla; Spera,Nazarena;
Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo , 2012,
Abstract: the objective of this work was to study the physico-chemical and biological properties of two surface soils fertilized with nitrogen and organic amendment in the upper río negro valley (orchards h1 and h2). in both orchards, nitrogen fertilizer was applied during the 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 seasons and on h2 chicken manure was applied. soil samples were collected in spring and autumn and determined: total organic carbon, electrical conductivity, exchangeable cations, sodium adsorption ratio and nitrate, microbial respiration, microbial biomass carbon, dehydrogenase activity and the rate of mineralization. the concentration of total organic carbon, nitrogen and potassium were suitable for the production of pears. the behavior of biological variables was different in the orchards. in orchard h1 were higher in spring, in both seasons, and the mineralization rate was slightly higher than 1 in autumn, indicating some balance between mineralization and humification of carbon. in h2 biological measurements were similar between seasons as a result of making nitrogen (n) fertilization in spring and autumn. the organic amendment did not increase the biological activity in the spring. microbial and enzymatic activities in h1 and h2 were sensitive to changes occurring in soils.
Environmental stress upon hepatopancreatic cells of freshwater prawns (Decapoda: Caridea) from the floodplain of Paraná River  [PDF]
Pablo Collins
Natural Science (NS) , 2010, DOI: 10.4236/ns.2010.27094
Abstract: In order to evaluate the influence of stressed environments on hepatopancreatic cells of fre- shwater prawns, Macrobachium borellii Nobili, 1896 and Palaemonetes argentinus Nobili 1901, (Crustacea, Decapoda, Palaemonidae) were collected at three different aquatic environments with different relationship to urban development in Argentina. Furthermore the effects of several cypermethryn concentration on hepa- topancreatic cell of M. borellii and P. argentinus were evaluated in a laboratory assays. The “N° 1” lake (Santa Fe Argentina) which is more affected by the anthropogenic pressure and “Don Felipe” lake which is still not strongly by human activities were the studied sites from the floodplain of Paraná river. While Alejandra lake was the intermedia effects sites. Different damaged ultra-structures were found in F- and R-cells of prawns in the stressed lake. The predominant features were: disrupted the microvillous border, swelled mitochondria, reduction of endoplasmic reticulum, dyctiosomes, glycoproteins, desna-turalization of vacuole membrane and premature autolysis. Moreover the F-cell number was higher in the environment near to city than in the others sites. Similar effects were observed in the cypermethryn assays. The observations clearly indicate that the ultrastructure of midgut gland in the both palaemonids varies depending on the site from which animals are collected and the biocid presence. So, in this case it can be stated that the hepatopancreas histology of fre- shwater prawns is a good tool to monitor the impact of a stressed environment upon freshwater prawns.

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